Introduction and Course breakdown

Welcome to nOMad's

OM Wellness:

Our Mental Wellness for Our Collective healing

Welcome to nOMad's OM Wellness! We are so glad that you are here and diving into the work of dedicating time to your own mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

This course has been curated and collectively designed by healers and teachers from around the globe. Many of these offerings were created during the beginning of the 2020 pandemic, but as we are collectively still trying to find what is "normal" in our lives right now, we are finding that our students and members that have had access to these materials are still finding the teachings relevant and needed during this process of discovering their own self-wellness and normalization of life right now.

As you move through this course work, we hope that you truly take your time to experience and "try-on" each of these teachings. Know that these offerings are just that-offerings for YOU; for your own wellness journey and tools to help you find what works to help you feel grounded and well during this time of confusion and chaos.

If you find a teacher whose teachings resonate with you and your journey, we have each teachers' bio and contact information included under each of their classes section. Reach out to them! They would love to hear from you and your know what your experience is like right now!

Course Breakdown

This course will be broken down into four sections of wellness: Mental, Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional.

Each week you will receive access to the next section. Once all four sections are released, you will then have access to this material indefinitely.

Go at your own pace.

Just because a section and its contents are released a week at a time, this does not mean you then have to do all of that content that week. Take it slow and let the information, messages and practices sink-in and nourish you.

Each week's themes and lessons will include:

·      Movement Videos. From yoga and pilates, to Mvt109™ and some free-dance; each week will have some form of movement offering that coincides to that week's wellness theme. These practices are created for all bodies in mind. Remember to take things at your pace and if some movement doesn't work for your body, you get to decide how your body wants to move.

·     Meditation Recordings. Each week a new meditation will be offered to support that week's wellness theme. As you join in, lean into what the teacher directs and guides. Notice how your body and mind respond to these offerings. Stay inquisitive throughout the process!

·      Discussions and Journal Prompts: From dharma talks to learning about the Akashic Records, these videos are offerings to you to help you explore and see a new perspective on life. Part of our wellness extends to what we put into our minds and heart; how we listen and perceive others perspectives, and how we then take this information and apply it to our own lives.

 Along with these discussions there will be some journal prompts to help take you further into your own self-exploration. Take as much time as needed here. No judgements and no need to impress anyone; not even yourself.

·     Other Wellness Resources. Each week another wellness resource will be added. This can range from an extra movement class to even a different form of healing modality to try. See what fits for your own self exploration and wellness journey.

May these resources open to the places of comfort and support that you may be seeking for right now. We are truly honored that you are here and take great care in choosing our material for your experience-to give you offerings of honest support and truth.

May you feel seen and felt in the places you are right now.

May you know that you are worthy of a healthy life and overall wellness in life!

Much gratitude and love,

the nOMad team

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